Section 1.3 solutions

Exercise 1.29 

In this exercise, we are tasked with implementing the Simposon’s rule to compute integrals.

where , is even and .

To make it amenable to be solved using the given sum function, we can transform the equation to

Translating this to Scheme, we arrive at:-

(define (sum term a next b)
  (if (> a b)
      (+ (term a)
         (sum term (next a) next b))))
; sum

(define (simpson f a b n)
  (define h
    (/ (- b a) n))
  (define (y k)
    (f (+ a (* k h))))
  (define (inc2 x)
    (+ x 2))
  (define (term k)
    (+ (* 4 (y k))
       (* 2 (y (+ k 1)))))
  (* (/ h 3.0)
     (+ (f a)
        (- (f b))
		(sum term 1 inc2 n))))
; simpson

Comparing with the given integral function in the book, we get the following:-

(integral cube 0 1 0.01)
; .24998750000000042
(integral cube 0 1 0.001)
; .249999875000001
(simpson cube 0 1 2)
; .25
(simpson cube 0 1 100)
; .25
(simpson cube 0 1 1000)
; .25

As can be seen, we get the correct answer with just two points using Simpson’s rule compared to the trapezoidal rule which only approaches the answer as more points are added. This is because Simpson’s rule is a higher order approximation compared to the trapezoidal rule. Wiki Link

Exercise 1.30 

In this exercise, we are tasked with rewriting sum so that it is evaluated recursively. It is dones as follows:-

(define (sum term a next b)
  (define (iter a result)
  (if (> a b)
      (iter (next a) (+ result (term a)))))
  (iter a 0))

Repeating the procedures with the new definition gives the same answers.

Exercise 1.31 

This exercise tasks us with writing a product procedure analogous to the sum procedure from earlier. We simply follow the same format and replace addition with multiplication and 0 with 1.

Recursive procedure

We get the following recursive procedure:-

(define (product term a next b)
  (if (> a b)
      (* (term a)
         (product term (next a) next b))))

We can compute the factorial of a number by using the following code.

(define (factorial n)
  (define (id x) x)
  (define (inc x) (+ x 1))
  (product id 1 inc n))
; factorial

(factorial 0)
; 1
(factorial 1)
; 1
(factorial 2)
; 2
(factorial 3)
; 6
(factorial 4)
; 24
(factorial 5)
; 120
(factorial 10)
; 3628800

Also, we can compute the approximate value of using the given formula:-

(define (pi terms)
  (define (inc2 x) (+ x 2))
  (define (func n)
    (/ (* (- n 1) (+ n 1))
       (* n n)))
  (* 4 (product func 3.0 inc2 (+ 3 (* terms 2)))))
; pi

(pi 1)
; 3.413333333333333
(pi 2)
; 3.343673469387755
(pi 10)
; 3.207709732466547
(pi 1000)
; 3.1423765818510354
(pi 10000)
; 3.14167117868269
Iterative procedure

Like how we expressed sum using an iterative procedure, we can also express product using an iterative procedure as follows:-

(define (product term a next b)
  (define (iter a result)
  (if (> a b)
      (iter (next a) (* result (term a)))))
  (iter a 1))
; product

(factorial 0)
; 1
(factorial 1)
; 1
(factorial 2)
; 2
(factorial 3)
; 6
(factorial 4)
; 24
(factorial 5)
; 120
(factorial 10)
; 3628800

(pi 1)
; 3.413333333333333
(pi 2)
; 3.343673469387755
(pi 10)
; 3.207709732466548
(pi 1000)
; 3.142376581851035
(pi 10000)
; 3.1416711786826776

As can be seen, same results are obtained from both recursive and iterative procedure.

Exercise 1.32 

In this exercise, we are tasked with showing that both sum and product can be shown as a special case of an accumulate procedure with the signature.

 combiner null-value term a next b)

This can simply be done by extracting the differences between the two and encapsulating it in combiner and null-value. Multiplication and addition go into combiner. 1 and 0 go into null-value

Recursive procedure

The recursive procedure is as follows:-

(define (accumulate combiner null-value term a next b)
  (if (> a b)
      (combiner (term a)
                (accumulate combiner null-value term (next a) next b))))

Then, product and sum can be defined as follows:-

(define (sum term a next b)
  (accumulate + 0 term a next b))
; sum

(define (product term a next b)
  (accumulate * 1 term a next b))
; product
Iterative procedure

The iterative procedure is also simple. It is as follows:-

(define (accumulate combiner null-value term a next b)
  (define (iter a result)
    (if (> a b)
        (iter (next a) (combiner result (term a)))))
  (iter a null-value))

Same answers are obtained when the procedures are evaluated using the functions from previous exercises.

Exercise 1.33 

In this section we are tasked with creating a version of accumulate called filtered-accumulate that only accumulates values satisfying a single argument predicate named filter.

(define (filtered-accumulate filter combiner null-value term a next b)
  (if (> a b)
	  (if (filter a)
          (combiner (term a)
                    (filtered-accumulate filter combiner null-value term (next a) next b))
          (filtered-accumulate filter combiner null-value term (next a) next b))))
Sum of squares of prime numbers

Using the fast-prime? from the previous section, we can create a function that sums the squares of prime numbers from a given range.

(define (fast-prime? n)
   (define (smallest-divisor n)
      (define (find-divisor n test-divisor)
         (define (next x)
            (if (= x 2) 3 (+ x 2)))
         (define (divides? a b)
            (= (remainder b a) 0))
         (cond ((> (square test-divisor) n) n)
               ((divides? test-divisor n) test-divisor)
               (else (find-divisor n (next test-divisor)))))
      (find-divisor n 2))
   (= n (smallest-divisor n)))
; fast-prime?

(define (sum-of-squared-primes a b)
  (define (inc x) (+ x 1))
  (define (square x) (* x x))
  (filtered-accumulate fast-prime? + 0 square a inc b))
; sum-of-squared-primes

To validate this, we can look at the first few primes 2, 3, 5, 7, 11 and 13.

(sum-squared-primes 2 3) ;4+9
; 13
(sum-squared-primes 2 6) ;4+9+25
; 38
(sum-squared-primes 6 10) ;49
; 49
(sum-squared-primes 6 13) ;49+121+169
; 339
Product of coprimes

The product of coprimes of n can be computed as follows:-

(define (gcd a b)
  (if (= b 0)
      (gcd b (remainder a b))))
; gcd

(define (product-of-coprimes n)
  (define (inc x) (+ x 1))
  (define (id x) x)
  (define (coprime? i) (= (gcd i n) 1))
  (filtered-accumulate coprime? * 1 id 1 inc (- n 1)))
; product-of-coprimes

To test it, let us check for the coprimes of number 13. Since 13 is a prime, the answer should be .

(product-of-coprimes 13)
; 479001600
(factorial 12)
; 479001600

Exercise 1.34 

In this exercise, we have the following function:-

(define (f g) (g 2))

If we ask the interpreter to evaluate (f f) we end up getting the following substitutions:-

(f f)
(f 2)
(2 2)

Unfortunately, the statement (2 2) can’t be evaluated since 2 is not function. Thus, an error should be thrown by the interpreter. Let us verify this:-

(f f)
; The object 2 is not applicable.

Thus, application of 2 throws an error.

Exercise 1.35 

In this exercise, we are simply tasked with utilizing the pre-defined fixed-point procedure to determine the golden ratio given by the formula . To perform that we use the following code.

(define tolerance 0.00001)
; tolerance

(define (fixed-point f first-guess)
  (define (close-enough? v1 v2)
    (< (abs (- v1 v2)) 
  (define (try guess)
    (let ((next (f guess)))
      (if (close-enough? guess next)
          (try next))))
  (try first-guess))
; fixed-point

(define golden-ratio (fixed-point (lambda (x) (+ 1 (/ 1 x))) 1.0))
; golden-ratio

; 1.6180327868852458

Thus the golden-ratio is obtained.

Exercise 1.36 

In this exercise, we are asked to modify fixed-point to print out intermediate results along the way and use it to compute the solution to . We modify the procedure as thus:-

(define (fixed-point f first-guess)
  (define (close-enough? v1 v2)
    (< (abs (- v1 v2)) 
  (define (try guess)
    (display guess)
    (let ((next (f guess)))
      (if (close-enough? guess next)
          (try next))))
  (try first-guess))
; fixed-point
Computation without average damping

First, we try to compute the solution to by using the direct relation with an initial guess of 2.

(fixed-point (lambda (x) (/ (log 1000) (log x))) 2.0)
; 2.
; 9.965784284662087
; 3.004472209841214
; 6.279195757507157
; 3.759850702401539
; 5.215843784925895
; 4.182207192401397
; 4.8277650983445906
; 4.387593384662677
; 4.671250085763899
; 4.481403616895052
; 4.6053657460929
; 4.5230849678718865
; 4.577114682047341
; 4.541382480151454
; 4.564903245230833
; 4.549372679303342
; 4.559606491913287
; 4.552853875788271
; 4.557305529748263
; 4.554369064436181
; 4.556305311532999
; 4.555028263573554
; 4.555870396702851
; 4.555315001192079
; 4.5556812635433275
; 4.555439715736846
; 4.555599009998291
; 4.555493957531389
; 4.555563237292884
; 4.555517548417651
; 4.555547679306398
; 4.555527808516254
; 4.555540912917957
; 4.555532270803653

We see a lot of oscillation about the final solution with this undamped iteration. Thus, it takes a long time to converge.

Computation average damping

Next, we try to compute the solution to by using a modified relation with an initial guess of 2.

(define (average x y) (/ (+ x y) 2))
; average

(fixed-point (lambda (x) (average x (/ (log 1000) (log x)))) 2.0)
; 2.
; 5.9828921423310435
; 4.922168721308343
; 4.628224318195455
; 4.568346513136242
; 4.5577305909237005
; 4.555909809045131
; 4.555599411610624
; 4.5555465521473675
; 4.555537551999825

As can be seen, this damped relation prevents unwanted oscillations and lets the recurrence converge on right value quicker.

Exercise 1.37 

In this exercise, we are tasked with creating a function cont-frac which can be used to compute continued fractions of the form

given the functions for generating and .

Recursive procedure

We define a function of form (cont-frac n d k) which computes continued fractions.

(define (cont-frac n d k)
  (define (cont-frac-rec i)
    (let ((ni (n i))
          (di (d i)))
      (if (= i k) (/ ni di)
                  (/ ni (+ di (cont-frac-rec (+ i 1)))))))
  (cont-frac-rec 1))

Next, we are told to compute where is the golden ratio using the relation and . This can be having n and d as (lambda (i) 1.0). To determine the number of steps required for 4 decimal places of accuracy, we perform repeated calculation to see when we reach .

(cont-frac (lambda (i) 1.0) (lambda (i) 1.0) 5)
; .625
(cont-frac (lambda (i) 1.0) (lambda (i) 1.0) 6)
; .6153846153846154
(cont-frac (lambda (i) 1.0) (lambda (i) 1.0) 7)
; .6190476190476191
(cont-frac (lambda (i) 1.0) (lambda (i) 1.0) 8)
; .6176470588235294
(cont-frac (lambda (i) 1.0) (lambda (i) 1.0) 9)
; .6181818181818182
(cont-frac (lambda (i) 1.0) (lambda (i) 1.0) 10)
; .6179775280898876
(cont-frac (lambda (i) 1.0) (lambda (i) 1.0) 11)
; .6180555555555556

Thus, we can see that it takes a 11-term finite continued fraction to compute the reciprocal of golden ratio to 4 decimal places.

Iterative procedure

The conversion of the procedure to be iterative cannot be done directly for this procedure since computing k-term finite continued fraction from a (k-1)-term finite continued fraction is not an easy task. However, we can compute the whole expression in the reverse direction staring with and use accumulated values. We get the following code in that case:-

(define (cont-frac n d k)
  (define (cont-frac-iter i acc)
    (let ((ni (n i))
          (di (d i)))
      (if (= i 0) acc
                  (cont-frac-iter (- i 1) (/ ni (+ di acc))))))
  (cont-frac-iter k 0))

Repeating with the same arguments as the recursive version gives the same results.

Exercise 1.38 

In this exercise, we are tasked with computing , the base of natural logarithms using the cont-frac procedure from the previous exercise. We are given the fact that when is all 1 and are successfully , we get .

(define (e-denominator i)
  (let ((r (remainder i 3)))
    (if (or (= r 0) (= r 1))
        (/ (* (+ i 1) 2) 3))))
; e-denominator

(define (e k)
  (+ 2 (cont-frac (lambda (i) 1.0) e-denominator k)))
; e

(e 100)
; 2.7182818284590455

Thus, the value of is computed.

Exercise 1.39 

In this exercise, we are required to compute the tangent function using the formula

where x is in radians. We define a procedure tan-cf as follows:-

(define (tan-cf x k)
  (define (tan-n i)
    (if (= i 1) x (- (square x))))
  (define (tan-d i)
    (- (* i 2) 1))
  (cont-frac tan-n tan-d k))

Let us compare with the built-in tan function in Scheme.

(define pi 3.14159265359)
; pi

(tan 1.0)
; 1.5574077246549023
(tan-cf 1.0 10)
; 1.557407724654902
(tan 2.5)
; -.7470222972386603
(tan-cf 2.5 10)
; -.747022297267734

As can be seen, the continued fraction representation gives an accurate computation of the tangent function.

Exercise 1.40 

This exercise tasks us with creating a function cubic which can be used in conjunction with newtons-method to determine the zeroes of the cubic . This problem is fairly simple.

(define (cubic a b c)
  (lambda (x) (+ (* x x x)
                 (* a x x)
                 (* b x)

This can be used by Newton’s method to determine the roots.

Exercise 1.41 

In this exercise, we are required to write a procedure double which takes a function and applies it twice. It can be done easily too.

(define (double f)
  (lambda (x) (f (f x))))

Now, when we perform the following procedure,

(((double (double double)) inc) 5)

(((lambda (x) ((double double) ((double double) x))) inc) 5)

(((double double) ((double double) inc)) 5)

(((double double) (double (double inc))) 5)


((double (double (double (double inc)))) 5)

Doubling 4 times, means inc would be applied times. The expected answer would be 21. To verify,

(((double (double double)) inc) 5)
; 21

Exercise 1.42 

In this exercise, we are tasked with writing a compose function that takes two one-argument functions f and g and gives a compound function

(define (compose f g)
  (lambda (x) (f (g x))))

To test it, we try the given example in Scheme REPL.

((compose square inc) 6)
; 49

Exercise 1.43 

In this exercise, we are tasked with the writing a function repeated which would take a single argument function f and a number n and return a compound function n times. The procedure for this can be written using the same pattern as the quick exponentiation function from the previous sections as well as the compose and double functions from the previous exercises.

(define (compose f g)
  (lambda (x) (f (g x))))
; compose

(define (double f) (compose f f))
; double

(define (even? n) (= (remainder n 2) 0))
; even?

(define (repeated f n)
  (cond ((= n 0) (lambda (x) x))
        ((even? n)
         (double (repeated f (/ n 2))))
         (compose f (repeated f (- n 1))))))
; repeated

To test it, we run through the example cases.

((repeated square 2) 5)
; 625
((repeated inc 100) 5)
; 105

Exercise 1.44 

In this exercise, we are required to create a way of smoothing functions repeatedly. Applying smoothing to a function f produces a new function g such that . Smoothing can be performed repeatedly as well. We utilize the repeated function from the previous exercise to accomplish this. We keep a value of as used in the book.

(define dx 0.00001)
; dx

(define (smoothe f)
  (lambda (x) (/ (+ (f (- x dx))
                    (f x)
                    (f (+ x dx)))
; smoothe

(define (n-fold-smoothe f n)
  ((repeated smoothe n) f))
; n-fold-smoothe

To test this function, we take the sin function. We get the following numbers for x around 1.

x sin(x) 1-damp 2-damp 3-damp
0.99997 0.8414547754      
0.99998 0.8414601786 0.8414601786    
0.99999 0.8414655817 0.8414655817 0.8414655817  
1 0.8414709848 0.8414709848 0.8414709848 0.8414709847
1.00001 0.8414763878 0.8414763878 0.8414763877  
1.00002 0.8414817907 0.8414817907    
1.00003 0.8414871935      

Let us test using our code.

((n-fold-smoothe sin 1) 1)
; .8414709847798475
((n-fold-smoothe sin 2) 1)
; .8414709847517985
((n-fold-smoothe sin 3) 1)
; .8414709847237495

As can be seen, correct answers are obtained.

Exercise 1.45 

In this exercise, we are essentially tasked with tweaking the number of damps to ensure that the roots of polynomials converge when fixed-point iteration is used. To study this, let use the modified fixed-point function that outputs intermediate values in the fixed-point-of-transform function.

(define tolerance 0.00001)
; tolerance

(define (fixed-point f first-guess)
  (define (close-enough? v1 v2)
    (< (abs (- v1 v2)) 
  (define (try guess)
    (display guess)
    (let ((next (f guess)))
      (if (close-enough? guess next)
          (try next))))
  (try first-guess))
; fixed-point

(define (fixed-point-of-transform 
         g transform guess)
  (fixed-point (transform g) guess))
; fixed-point-of-transform

Let us create a root function which computes the n-th root of x and also takes starting guess and the number of damps used. We can utilize the repeated function from the previous exercise.

(define (avg x y) (/ (+ x y) 2.0))
; avg

(define (avg-damp f)
  (lambda (x) (avg x (f x))))
; avg-damp

(define (n-th-root-helper n x damps first-guess)
    (lambda (y) (/ x (expt y (- n 1))))
    (repeated avg-damp damps)
; n-th-root-helper

Let us find the roots of various powers. Let us start with square root with no damping

(n-th-root-helper 2 4 0 1.0)
; 1.
; 4.
; 1.
; 4.

As can be seen, we see a repeating pattern. The process does not converge. Let us add one damping. If iteration converges, only the last value is given for brevity.

(n-th-root-helper 2 4 1 1.0)
; 2.000000000000002
(n-th-root-helper 3 8 1 1.0)
; 1.9999981824788517

(n-th-root-helper 4 16 1 1.0)
; 2.0093631665789298
; 1.9907673178391767
; 2.009361536417286
; 1.9907689027452413

As can be seen, the 4-th root with 1 damp causes oscillation around the actual value. Thus, one average damp is not sufficient for 4-th root and above. Let us add one more damp and try again.

(n-th-root-helper 4 16 2 1.0)
; 2.0000000000021965
(n-th-root-helper 5 32 2 1.0)
; 2.000001512995761
(n-th-root-helper 6 64 2 1.0)
; 2.0000029334662086
(n-th-root-helper 7 128 2 1.0)
; 2.0000035538623377

(n-th-root-helper 8 256 2 1.0)
; 2.0028934283781528
; 1.9971357466538153
; 2.002893090970039
; 1.9971360772727353

Thus, damping twice stops being effective from the 8-th root onwards. We can sort of see a relationship here. Let us verify this by checking if 3 damps stop being effective for the 16-th root onwards.

(n-th-root-helper 15 (expt 2 15) 3 1.0)
; 2.0000040951543028

(n-th-root-helper 16 (expt 2 16) 3 1.0)
; 2.001635453681883
; 1.9983845140195047
; 2.001635149361151
; 1.998384810927022

Thus, we have verified that for 16-th root onwards 3 damps are not sufficient. We can see the following pattern:-

As n reaches powers of two, one more average damp is needed to compute root. Thus, the number of damps required can be computed using the floor function.

Let us create a generic n-th-root function using this knowledge.

(define (n-th-root n x)
  (define (log2 x) (/ (log x) (log 2)))
  (let ((damps (floor (log2 n))))
    (n-th-root-helper n x damps 1.0)))

To test it, let us find large roots of numbers.

(n-th-root 100 (expt 2 100))
; 2.0000032790812043
(n-th-root 200 (expt 2 200))
; 2.0000021535853345

It works!

Exercise 1.46 

In this exercise, we are tasked with writing a generic procedure called iterative-improve which takes in two procedures, one two check if a guess is good enough and one to improve the guess. This procedure should return a procedure which, when applied to a guess should improve it iteratively. This is a simple task that can be accomplished using the following code.

(define (iterative-improve good-enough? improve)
  (define (iterate guess)
    (if (good-enough? guess)
        (iterate (improve guess))))
Sqrt function

Let us consider the original sqrt function

(define (sqrt x)
   (sqrt-iter 1.0 x))

(define (sqrt-iter guess x)
   (if (good-enough? guess x)
       (sqrt-iter (improve guess x)

(define (improve guess x)
   (average guess (/ x guess)))

(define (average x y)
   (/ (+ x y) 2))

(define (good-enough? guess x)
 (< (abs (- (square guess) x)) 0.001))

(define (square x) (* x x))

It can be rewritten as follows by reusing some of its functions:-

(define (sqrt x)
     (lambda (guess)
       (< (abs (- (square guess) x)) 0.001))
     (lambda (guess)
       (average guess (/ x guess))))
; sqrt

(sqrt 2)
; 1.4142156862745097
(sqrt 100)
; 10.000000000139897
Fixed-point iteration function

Let us reconsider the fixed-point iteration function.

(define tolerance 0.00001)

(define (fixed-point f first-guess)
  (define (close-enough? v1 v2)
    (< (abs (- v1 v2)) 
  (define (try guess)
    (let ((next (f guess)))
      (if (close-enough? guess next)
          (try next))))
  (try first-guess))

It can be rewritten as follows:-

(define (fixed-point f first-guess)
     (lambda (guess)
       (< (abs (- (f guess) guess)) tolerance))
     (lambda (guess)
       (f guess)))
; fixed-point

(fixed-point cos 1.0)
; .7390893414033927
(fixed-point (lambda (y) (+ (sin y) (cos y)))
; 1.2587228743052672